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Writer's picture: Wayne InceWayne Ince

Illness and tiredness may wear me down. However, that does not mean that I’m going to rest or lie down. I know that surrendering is not an option right now; however, I also know that this is the exact result the opposing side desires. They truly desire to erect barriers, obstacles, and even formidable fortresses around my mind, but this very act of attempting to confine my thoughts is precisely the struggle I face, and overcoming this struggle is what resilience signifies in my life.

My writing, though not particularly focused on competition or persuasion, stands out for its informative nature and the strength of its opinions. Honesty and objectivity are qualities I hold in high regard, believing them to be essential for sound judgment and ethical behavior.

Freeing one’s mind and allowing the rest of one’s body and willpower to remain present to perceive the world as it is and to perceive the world as it should be is a rare and valuable ability. Given that the new presidential term follows four years of covert attacks on national security, oppression within our own country, the promotion of hatred against certain genders, and the suppression of various rights and freedoms.

“We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” —“I Have a Dream,” 1963

We must not remain silent and complicit but actively fight against such injustices. Considering how widespread injustice is, it is absolutely crucial for each of us to use our voices not only to recognize these injustices but also to publicly and unambiguously condemn them, making our positions unequivocally clear. Such examples are readily apparent, requiring minimal effort to locate; nevertheless, a willingness to see the world as it is requires maintaining an optimistic outlook and raising one’s head high.

Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” —“I Have a Dream,” 1963

Whether you’re a rideshare driver or you work in the fast food industry, your occupation in a growing gig economy may minimize your ability to reach your economic full potential.

The frustration and resentment caused by the lack of economic opportunities and inadequate compensation can have significant physical effects on individuals. As stress and anger build up, the body undergoes various physiological changes.

Long hours of low-wage work commonly cause increased muscle tension. The constant strain of working long hours for minimal wages can lead to tightness in the muscles, particularly in the shoulders, neck, and back. This tension can cause headaches, backaches, and overall discomfort, making it difficult to find relief even during rest.

Moreover, the stress and anxiety associated with the gig economy’s limitations can disrupt sleep patterns. Many individuals find it challenging to wind down and relax after work, as their minds continue to worry about financial stability and the future. This lack of quality sleep can lead to exhaustion, weakened immune function, and an increased susceptibility to illness.

Additionally, the absence of adequate healthcare exacerbates the physical toll on gig economy workers. Without access to proper medical attention, minor health issues can worsen over time, leading to chronic pain or long-term complications. The constant physical strain combined with the inability to seek necessary medical care creates a cycle of declining well-being.

Furthermore, the emotional distress caused by the gig economy’s limitations can manifest physically as well. Feelings of powerlessness, frustration, and injustice can contribute to increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and even digestive issues. The body’s stress response, triggered by these negative emotions, can take a toll on overall health if left unaddressed.

Consequently, the physical effects of working in the gig economy under challenging circumstances are significant. From increased muscle tension and sleep disturbances to weakened immune function and chronic pain, the toll on the body is substantial. It is crucial to acknowledge and address these physical effects to promote the well-being of those working in this sector and strive for better conditions and opportunities.

In the absence of adequate healthcare, it is now time for us to assert our collective power and resolutely resist surrendering it. I want to discuss the significant influence and impact that the power of choice has on our lives and the decisions we make. The ability to choose how and where to spend your money is an essential element of economic freedom, and when we make these choices we support businesses and industries that sustain us and contribute to the health of our communities. The power to vote extends beyond national elections every four years; crucially, it empowers you to shape your community through local elections, influencing county commissioners, school boards, and tax assessors—offices that directly and significantly affect our daily lives.

This potent power of choice, a mighty sword wielded not for violence but for defense, is ours to command; it’s a power necessary to defend ourselves and our community against the injustices of economic and political oppression, demanding that we recognize the world for what it is and how we are treated and perceived within it.

“I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.” —“I Have a Dream,” 1963 

My experiences, both online across a multitude of platforms and offline within my community, reveal a clear trend: mainstream conservatives consistently reject initiatives, regardless of whether they are local or national, that are specifically designed to serve the needs of the Black community. The included organizations represent a diverse cross-section of activism and community engagement, ranging from well-known national groups such as Black Lives Matter and the NAACP to the historically significant and impactful Divine Nine Greek-letter organizations. I included the important work of several powerhouse organizations—namely, the ACLU, the Equal Justice Initiative, and the Sentencing Project—to ensure a comprehensive and impactful outcome.

Critics often claim that their conservative values are beyond your comprehension and that we will never find common ground. At first glance, this may seem accurate, but upon closer examination, it also implies that there is no space for dissent in this world. While I may not disagree with them, they always can disagree with me. Consequently, they will persist in criticizing our organizations, questioning our humanity, and using our monetary contributions against us. This explains why our local grocery stores are deficient in farm-fresh vegetables, resulting in the short shelf life of the milk at our corner store, which only lasts four days, and the inflated price of bananas, reaching a steep seven dollars per bunch.

Hmm, someone recently on this platform told me they will never agree with me. They also advised against encouraging my writing. Hearing that only reinforces why our voices, economic power, voting power, and resilience are so important. There is one thing I absolutely refuse to do, and that is to stop using my voice or to cease writing, for I believe in the power of both. The thought of compromising my moral integrity to please others and gain their approval through applause and likes is simply inconceivable to me. Unlike those who choose to self-segregate within the echo chambers of their virtual suburban platforms, I refuse to isolate myself from a diversity of viewpoints and engage in intellectual discourse with those who hold differing opinions.

I live in a harsh reality that differs from the comfortable situation they find themselves in. The reality of my circumstances, a common experience for many, is one that lacks comfort and ease, presenting ongoing obstacles to a comfortable and stable life. I bear a heavy burden, a ball and chain-like impediment, willingly, unlike them. To be completely honest, I find it hard to set this aside because it has helped to strengthen my resolve. If I were to put it down, I would feel weak.

This year, on January 20th, 2025, I will celebrate Martin Luther King Day by reflecting on his life and ideals and continuing the work he started towards a more just and fair society, just as I have done in years past. This day isn’t a vacation; instead, I use it for self-reflection, a period dedicated to actively engaging in personal growth and development, not simply a break from responsibilities.

A day to reflect and remind myself of the many blessings in my life, and how fortunate I am to still enjoy freedom - the freedom to express myself, to make choices, and to speak up about issues that I find important. I will forever remain mindful and grateful for the incredible contributions of our mighty ancestors throughout history. From Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Crispus Attucks, Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Hon. Sen John Lewis and the honorable Martin Luther King - their legacies inspire me.

In celebrating this day, let us remember that Reverend Martin Luther King’s approach of nonviolence was not a sign of weakness, but a demonstration of unimaginable strength that transcended all racial, religious, and creedal boundaries, leaving a profound and enduring impact on both our nation and the world.

Although violence may sometimes be justified as a means of self-defense, a right legally protected, the ultimate and persistent aspiration is, and always will be, peace. Theoretically, with nonviolence, we can all live with violence.

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